剧情尚可停在女同即可後来的“再次反转”凶手有些牵强非常喜爱江丰(黄勃 饰)记忆回溯镜头:案发现场时间凝滞丶动态成冰自我转化为旁观者无所遁逃的房间丶重复的浴缸与镜子国外免费B2B网站大全还有悬空的手腕与露出水线的腿着实令人惊艳
Long overdue. Why did I ever stop? Guess I was saving the best for last and for when I need it most. Motherhood doesn't suit this narrative, female friendship does. "A friendship between college girls is grander and more dramatic than any romance." "I want to write stories that make people feel less alone than I did, I want to make people laugh about things in life that are painful." If we'd stuck around and moved to the same city together, wouldn't this be us? Would one of us pull a Shosh and "call it": "I've come to realize how exhausting, narcissistic, and ultimately boring this dynamic is." Too real, too much water down the bridge. Ep 5 Gummies, maybe we'll all be Loreen someday